
The African Building Platform

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Building Africa Exhibition

“…Understanding STATEHOOD through ARCHITECTURE…” Building Africa is a creative exhibition on the findings of the African State Architecture research project conducted at SOAS University of

New Realities in Architecture

In this installment of Architects ወርሃዊ, we cover a unique Special Mid-Month session in partnership with abRen and The Urban Center. The focus was on

Halala Kella Lodge

Imagine a place where you step into a world of tranquility only to hear the gentle sound of the wind in the trees and the


በ 1961 ከአሰም ወንዝ በስተሰሜን የሚገኘውና ባብዛኛው በጣሊያን ወረራ ወቅት የተከተመው የዓድዋ ከተማ ክፍል ነዋሪ ቁጥር አነስተኛ ነበር። በስተምዕራብ ወደ አክሱም፤ በስተምሥራቅ ወደ አዲግራት እና

The Poetics of Rehabilitation

The Case of Yimtubezina Museum The monthly Architects ወርሃዊ Session was abuzz with excitement as people gathered to learn about the restoration of the Yimtubezina

Lideta Merkato

Lideta Merkato was intended to be a shopping mall just like many others in the city of Addis Ababa. A rigorous analysis has identified the

What Really is BIM?

Building information modeling (BIM) is recognized as digital innovation for the built environment. It is often misled and associated just with using digital tools (BIM

ሥራ እና አገልግሎት

በመጀመሪያ የደረስኩት ዓድዋ ስለነበር ቀድመውኝ ደርሰው ቤት ተከራይተው ከነበሩ ንግሥተ ሳባ ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት በመምኅርነት ከተመደቡ አራት የኢትዮጵያ ዩኒቨርሲቲ አገልግሎት ተሳታፊዎች ጋር ተዳበልኩ። የአክሱም

Paint & Coating in Buildings

In this 44th Architects ወርሃዊ edition, we dive deep into “paintings and coatings in buildings” hosted by the well-renown Jotun group. Painting and coatings in

International Tennis Club Building

Owned by one of the founders and one-time president of the Ethiopian Tennis Federation, the late Ato Bezuayehu Tesfaye, and his family, International Tennis Club

ZigZag Space

ZIGZAG Space: A center for Arts and Design ZIGZAG space is a multidisciplinary space founded in April 2022 by Alebel Desta Consulting Architects and Engineers.

Documenting Architecture

The 43rd architects ወርሃዊ session kicked off the 2023 New Year with a special session that took its visitors on a visual expedition to one

ጦር ሜዳው

ከዕለታት በአንዱ ቀን፤ ከማዘጋጃ ቤቱ ሹም “በተጠየቀው መሠረት ይፈጸም” የሚል ትዕዛዝ የሰፈረበት ከአገር ግዛት ሚኒስቴር የተጻፈ ደብዳቤ ተመራልኝ። የደብዳቤው ይዘት ለ 75ኛው የዓድዋ ድል በዓል

Koba Patisserie

Bringing natural daylight into a restaurant or coffee shop can greatly enhance the ambiance and overall customer experience. The recently opened ‘KOBA’ coffee shop in

EiABC Toilet Experience ፤ Uncensored

We are students of EiABC, [Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction & City Development.]We care about our campus. We believe it can get better. Thus,

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© October, 2024 Ketema Journal

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